▼Nvcg | |
►Nedge | |
CEmptyCore | |
CVertexRef | The references to the two vertexes of a edge |
CEVAdj | |
CMark | Component: Per edge Incremental Mark |
CBitFlags | Component: Per edge Flags |
CColor | Component: Per edge Color |
CColor4b | |
CQuality | Component: Per edge quality |
CQualitys | |
CQualityf | |
CQualityd | |
CVEAdj | Component: Per vertex Vertex-Edge adjacency relation companion component This component implement one element of the list of edges incident on a vertex. You must use this component only toghether with the corresponding vcg::vertex::VEAdj component in the vertex type |
CEEAdj | Component: Edge-Edge adjacency relation This component implement store the pointer (and index) of the adjacent edges. If the vertex is 1-manifold (as in a classical polyline) it holds that: |
CEHAdj | |
CEFAdj | Component: Edge-Face adjacency relation This component implement store the pointer to a face sharing this edge |
►Nface | |
CEmptyCore | |
CVertexRef | The references to the vertexes of a triangular face |
CNormalAbs | |
CWedgeNormal | |
CWedgeRealNormal | |
CWedgeRealNormal3s | |
CWedgeRealNormal3f | |
CWedgeRealNormal3d | |
CNormal3s | |
CNormal3f | |
CNormal3d | |
CWedgeTexCoord | |
CWedgeTexCoord2s | |
CWedgeTexCoord2f | |
CWedgeTexCoord2d | |
CBitFlags | Component: Per face Flags |
CColor | |
CWedgeColor | |
CWedgeColor4b | |
CWedgeColor4f | |
CColor4b | |
CQuality | |
CQualitys | |
CQualityf | |
CQualityd | |
CQuality3 | |
CQuality3s | |
CQuality3f | |
CQuality3d | |
CMark | Per vertex Incremental Mark |
CCurvatureDirBaseType | |
CCurvatureDir | |
CCurvatureDirf | |
CCurvatureDird | |
CVFAdj | Component: Per Face Vertex-Face adjacency relation |
CEFAdj | |
CFFAdj | Component: Per Face Face-Face adjacency relation |
CFEAdj | |
CFHAdj | |
Nmath | |
Nply | |
►Ntetra | |
Nio | |
►Ntri | |
Nio | |
►CAllocator | Class to safely add and delete elements in a mesh |
CPointerUpdater | Accessory class to update pointers after eventual reallocation caused by adding elements |
►CAppend | Class to safely duplicate and append (portion of) meshes |
CRemap | |
CUpdateBounding | This class is used to compute or update the bounding box of a mesh. |
►CUpdateColor | Generation and processing of per-vertex and per-face colors according to various strategy |
CColorAvgInfo | |
CUpdateComponentEP | This class is used to compute or update the precomputed data used to efficiently compute point-face distances |
►CUpdateCurvature | Management, updating and computation of per-vertex and per-face normals |
CAreaData | |
►CUpdateCurvatureFitting | Computation of per-vertex directions and values of curvature |
CQuadric | |
CQuadricLocal | |
►CFitmaps | |
CBicubic | |
CradSorter | |
►CUpdateFlags | Management, updating and computation of per-vertex and per-face flags (like border flags) |
CEdgeSorter | |
►CUpdateHalfEdges | This class is used to build edge based data structure from indexed data structure and viceversa |
CFacePtrInt | |
CVertexPairEdgePtr | |
►CUpdateIndexed | |
CVertexPairEdgePtr | |
CHalfEdgeTopology | Class containing functions to modify the topology of a halfedge based mesh |
CUpdateNormal | Management, updating and computation of per-vertex, per-face, and per-wedge normals |
CUpdatePosition | This class is used to update vertex position according to a transformation matrix |
CUpdateQuality | Generation of per-vertex and per-face qualities |
CSelectionStack | A stack for saving and restoring selection |
CUpdateSelection | Management, updating and conditional computation of selections (per-vertex, per-edge, and per-face) |
CUpdateTexture | This class is used to update/generate texcoord position according to various critera |
►CUpdateTopology | Generation of per-vertex and per-face topological information |
CPEdge | Auxiliary data structure for computing face face adjacency information |
CPEdgeTex | Auxiliairy data structure for computing face face adjacency information |
CPFace | Auxiliary data structure for computing tetra tetra adjacency information |
CPVertexEdge | |
CInertia | Methods for computing Polyhedral Mass properties (like inertia tensor, volume, etc) |
CTrivialSampler | A basic sampler class that show the required interface used by the SurfaceSampling class |
CTrivialPointerSampler | |
CMeshSampler | |
CHausdorffSampler | |
CRedetailSampler | |
►CSurfaceSampling | Main Class of the Sampling framework |
CMarsenneTwisterURBG | |
►CPoissonDiskParam | |
CStat | |
CRRParam | |
CEdgeConnectedComponentIterator | |
CConnectedComponentIterator | |
►CClean | Class of static functions to clean//restore meshs |
CCompareAreaFP | |
CRemoveDuplicateVert_Compare | |
CSortedPair | |
CSortedTriple | |
CSplit | |
CBaseInterpolator | |
CMidPoint | |
CMidPointArc | |
CMidPointArcNaive | |
CEdgeLen | |
CRefinedFaceData | |
CMidPointButterfly | |
CMidPointButterfly2 | |
CQualityMidPointFunctor | |
CQualityEdgePredicate | |
CMidPointSphere | |
CEdgeSplSphere | |
CCenterPointBarycenter | |
CTriSplit | Triangle split Simple templated function for splitting a triangle with a internal point. It can be templated on a CenterPoint class that is used to generate the position of the internal point |
C_SphUsedTypes | |
C_SphVertex | |
C_SphFace | |
C_SphMesh | |
CEuclideanDistance | |
CIsotropicDistance | |
CBasicCrossFunctor | |
CAnisotropicDistance | |
►CGeodesic | Class for computing approximate geodesic distances on a mesh |
CDIJKDist | |
CFaceDist | |
Cpred | |
CTempData | |
CVertDist | |
►Nvertex | |
CCurvatureDirBaseType | |
CEmptyCore | |
CCoord | Generic Component: Geometric Position of the vertex Templated on the coordinate class. In practice you use one of the two specialized class Coord3f and Coord3d You can access to the coordinate of a vertex by mean of the P(),cP() member functions |
CCoord3f | Specialized Coord Component in floating point precision |
CCoord3d | Specialized Coord Component in double point precision |
CNormal | Generic Component: Normal of the vertex |
CNormal3s | |
CNormal3f | Specialized Normal component in floating point precision |
CNormal3d | Specialized Normal component in double point precision |
CMark | Per vertex Incremental Mark |
CTexCoord | Generic Component: Per vertex Texture Coords |
CTexCoord2s | |
CTexCoord2f | Specialized Texture component in floating point precision |
CTexCoord2d | Specialized Texture component in double precision |
CBitFlags | Component: Per vertex Flags |
CColor | Component: Per vertex Color |
CColor4b | |
CQuality | Component: Per vertex quality The Quality Component is a generic place for storing a float. The term 'quality' is a bit misleading and it is due to its original storic meaning. You should intend it as a general purpose container |
CQualitys | |
CQualityf | |
CQualityd | |
CCurvatureDir | Component: Per vertex curvature directions This component keep the principal curvature directions. Used by some of the algorithms of vcg::tri::UpdateCurvature to store the computed curvatures |
CCurvatureDirf | |
CCurvatureDird | |
CRadius | Component: Per vertex radius |
CRadiusf | |
CVEAdj | Component: Per vertex Vertex-Edge adjacency relation It stores a pointer to the first Edge of a list edges that is stored in a distributed way on the edges themselves |
CVFAdj | Component: Per vertex Vertex-Face adjacency relation |
CVHAdj | |
CVTAdj | |
CColor4 | |
CBox3 | |
CPoint3 |